Genoil can provide a wide array of engineering services:

UFA Laboratory Photo
- Feasibility studies
- Basic Engineering
- CAPEX Evaluation
- Detailed Engineering
- Pilot Testing
- Genoil Can consult and act as Owner Engineer
- Technological survey to improve efficiencies of industrial assets
Genoil can provide a wide array of technologies in conjunction with engineering services:

UFA Laboratory Photo
- GHU technology
- Crystal OWS solutions
- Zeoforming Process naptha condensate conversion into gasoline (up to RON 95) and LPG
- Naptha and condensate conversion into LPG
- HFO Conversion into diesel
- Hydrogen Sulfide removal from crude oil and gases
- Mercaptans removal as well as conversion
- Distillation technologies
- Hydrotreating technologies
- Crude oil viscosity and wax reduction
- Bitumen production technologies
- Crude oil viscosity and wax reduction
- Bitumen production technologies
- Polymer bitumen and emulsion production